Dec 04 2008


Categories: personal urlaub .

This years anual city trip took us to Rome.

We left Baden Airport on Friday evening and arrived there again on Sunday at just about the same with our friend, the Prince of Oman. This time, he didn’t join us on our flight with super-exclusive Ryan Air, but took his private 747 to get to Baden Baden.

In total a very packed weekend, basically the condensed version of the Japanese “see Europe in 5 days”-scheme.

Anyhow we did see everything there was to see: Lot’s of ruins, churches, a tossed salad for dessert, traffic jams on expert-level, the pope…

…the most modern elevator in the world, new transportation concept for dogs and, did I mention all those churches?

Anyhow again a great experience – Thank you Helmut for doing all the preparations and the coordination of our date with Mr. Ratzinger!

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